Member Consultations

In an effort to ensure our members' voices are heard, we have established this Member Consultation page. These forums will allow TAS members to not only voice their opinions on a specific topic but also see what other members are saying. We hope you will participate and share your thoughts with us here.
Posted June 26, 2020 by TAS Webmaster
Earlier today, the Law Society of Ontario released the Family Legal Services Provider Licence Consultation Paper.  The Advocates’ Society will review the report and its recommendations carefully and thoroughly, and looks forward to having the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue with the Law Society on these important issues. TAS emphasizes the critical role of lawyers in family law proceedings and in ensuring the rights of those in family law disputes are protected. TAS is grateful to hear that the Law Society will be providing an extended period for this consultation to ensure all the relevant issues are considered and the important voices have an opportunity to be heard.

In May 2017, TAS provided a detailed response to the Law Society to the Family Legal Services Review Report, which raised similar issues. TAS's response can be viewed here.

TAS members are invited to share their views on the Law Society’s Report below. Please sign in to post your comment.
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Posted March 16, 2020 by TAS Webmaster
The Advocates' Society strongly supports the implementation of temporary social distancing measures announced by a number of courts across Canada. This is an abrupt change in our legal environment, but we will surmount the challenges this change presents through co-operation and civility, and with flexibility in our practice.

This forum will provide a mechanism for our members to ask questions and share information and best practices, including with respect to the process for urgent filings and telephone or video appearances. Those who have experiences with the new system are encouraged to share what they can to help others who have questions. If there are unanswered questions from the profession, The Advocates' Society can pass those on to the courts.

We encourage TAS Members to sign in below and begin the dialogue.

For general best practices regarding civility and professionalism in litigation, please see The Advocates' Society's new edition of the Principles of Civility and Professionalism for Advocates.

Sign in below to join the conversation.
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Posted October 25, 2019 by TAS Webmaster
It is a central mandate of The Advocates' Society to foster civility among members of the bar. We believe that civility is essential to the proper functioning of the Canadian judicial system.

The Principles of Professionalism for Advocates and the Principles of Civility for Advocates are a keystone publication of The Advocates' Society. Published in 2001 and updated in 2009, these documents provide guidance to advocates beyond what is found in rules of professional conduct. In 2013, the Young Advocates' Standing Committee published Best Practices to provide practical solutions to counsel facing issues of incivility.

The Advocates' Society is currently revising the Principles and the Best Practices to ensure they apply nationwide and reflect the current realities of practising litigation in Canada.

TAS is seeking our members' feedback and ideas on the following three questions:
  1. What changes to litigation practice in Canada have occurred over the last 20 years that create challenges for the civility and professionalism of advocates?
  2. Have you encountered any common types of incivility or lack of professionalism that you think should be addressed by the Principles or Best Practices?
  3. Are there any changes or improvements you would like TAS to make to existing principles or best practices? (If applicable, please provide a reference to a specific principle or best practice.)
Your feedback will be considered by the Task Force recommending revisions to TAS's Board of Directors in early 2020.

Please fill in the form below to share your thoughts with other members of TAS, or email suggestions directly to Suzanne Amiel, Policy Lawyer, [email protected]. Please provide us with your views by November 11, 2019.

Don't miss our Civility in Changing Times program coming up in December 2019. Click here for more information and to register.
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Posted January 10, 2019 by TAS Webmaster
On January 31, TAS President Brian Gover will attend a meeting with The Honourable George R. Strathy, Chief Justice of Ontario; The Honourable Caroline Mulroney, Attorney General of Ontario; and representatives from other bar associations and legal organizations. The meeting will involve a discussion of proposed improvements to Ontario's justice system, and specifically a discussion of three questions:

  1. If there was one change that you could make to the Ontario justice system that would have no cost, what would it be?
  2. If there was one change that you could make to the Ontario justice system that would cost $10 million or less, what would it be?
  3. If there was an unlimited budget, what change would you make to the Ontario justice system?
TAS welcomes suggestions from our members.  We want to hear your ideas on how you would answer these questions and how you would improve the Ontario justice system. Leave your comments below by Monday, January 21, 2019.

Hear more from our President, Brian Gover:
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