The Advocates' Society Adds its Voice Against Systemic Racism

"In the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard." More than half a century has now passed since The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said this in his address delivered at Stanford University. With just those few words, Dr. King powerfully conveyed what all advocates understand is an essential requirement for justice – that the voices of those seeking justice be heard.

As people assemble in peaceful protest, let us acknowledge that their pleas for justice have so far gone unheard. In Canada today, there are many among us who long to be heard in their pleas against systemic racism.  We cannot let their pleas go unheard when we might amplify them. So today, we add our voice to denounce racism in all its forms.

The Advocates' Society calls upon every advocate to be a voice and ally against systemic racism in Canada.  Let us not be silent bystanders to racial injustice, or silent witnesses to any act of racism. Let us raise our own voices, so that all those who seek justice might be heard.

Scott Maidment
President and Chair of the Board of Directors
The Advocates' Society