The Advocates’ Journal


The Advocates' Journal Image

An institution within the Society and the profession since 1982, The Advocates’ Journal features articles on law and practice, in-depth interviews with leading advocates, thought-provoking commentary, tributes, and much more. This spring we bid farewell to long-time Editor Stephen Grant, who created 48 memorable issues of advocacy commentary for our members and proudly welcome Linda Rothstein, a leading advocate and Society Past President, as the new Editor of The Advocates' Journal. Welcome Linda!

Submission Inquiries:

Linda Rothstein, LSM, ASM
[email protected]
Paliare Roland Barristers
Submission Guidelines

To Advertise or Subscribe:

Robin Black at [email protected]
Director of Marketing and Membership
1-888-597-0243 x 108

For current advertising rates, ad space options, print specifications and distribution information, please review our Media Kit.

Journal subscriptions are complimentary for TAS Members and available to non-Members for $199 (+tax) per year.  

Member-only access The Advocates' Journal Archive

Advocates and Advocacy Cover
Now available: Advocates and Advocacy: The Best of the Advocates’ Journal, 2005-2018, edited by Stephen Grant, LSM, ASM.

Available for purchase through Irwin Law.